Saturday, October 14, 2006

The Hidden Wisdom in SPAM

Have you ever actually read some of the stuff that spammers are putting out these days? It's awesome, deep, sometimes emotional stuff... Seriously. Read for yourself. The following excerpt was included with a recent investor penny stock alert:
When a cosmopolitan grain of sand prays, a chestnut living with an industrial complex hides. A turkey daydreams, or the parking lot hesitantly tries to seduce another tornado living with the ocean. Another completely outer movie theater learns a hard lesson from a polar bear. A rattlesnake defined by a freight train recognizes the cab driver inside the avocado pit.
- Spamonymous

Seriously, Yeats has nothing on this guy. Such wisdom in these writings. Well, enough for now. In parting, I'd like to share one more piece of wisdom by Spamonymous: "Most people believe that a line dancer seeks a temporal hydrogen atom, but they need to remember how ridiculously a smelly cashier daydreams."

Wow. That hits hard. Bye for now.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Books and Socks

(If you are having trouble viewing the video, try here.)

Abby absolutly loves books. Even boring grownup ones with no pictures! I don't even love those. Anyway, this was our evening reading books and playing with socks. Enjoy.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Being Lovey :)

(Click image to view photo gallery.)

Abby was at the point just before "tired". This is when she is the most affectionate. Our favorite time. :)