Monday, May 16, 2005

To bottle or not to bottle...

Don't tell the pediatrician but we decided to try the bottle tonight. Christina went out with the gals (first time in a long while) but going out meant the baby would miss dinner. Not an option. So I went out and purchased Abby's first bottle (Playtex VentAire). Dad was babysitting and it was time for Abby to eat so I broke out the bottle. Expecting to have to call Christina back home I tried for the first time...and...NO PROBLEM! I didn't have to trick her or anything! She drank 2oz I think.

Huge success for mother and baby (Got breastfeeding figured the bottle too)...bad news for dad. First thing Christina said when she got home and found out all went well was "Great! Now you can take a turn in the middle of the night with feeding the baby!" Sweet...


Anonymous said...

Way to go Dad...Now we can steal Christina when ever we want to : ) You have proved yourself worthy! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Christina and Bobby on the arrival of Abigal! We were glad to receive the website from Meredith and have looked at the pictures--she's beautiful! I'm sending the website to Kerri and Brad, as well. If you have time and would like, you may see Kerri's wedding pictures at, then scroll to Murphy-Sagraves. We wanted you to know we share in your joy of Abigail--joy for a lifetime! We pray God will continue to bless you all. Charles and Karen Murphy, Bartlett